Acupuncture needles
In Toyohari acupuncture, very fine sterling silver needles are used, which are non-insertible. These manipulate the qi on the skin level. Sterilised one-time-use stainless steel needles may also be inserted to a depth of 1-2 millimetres. Sensations and the movement of qi may be felt within the body and is normally pain free.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture may also be performed where slightly larger stainless steel needles may be inserted perpendicularly into the body, or inserted horizontally underneath the skin. Stronger needling sensations may be felt.
Toyohari tools
The Toyohari system uses special non-insertive tools (see header image) which manipulate the qi on the skin level. These tools come in a variety of materials such as gold, silver and copper. These tools also produce gentle sensations within the body. They can be used for everyone and are especially useful in the treatment of babies and children, as well as people who are who are weak or frail and who need very gentle treatment. Non-insertive tools are also used for those who have an aversion to conventional acupuncture needles.
In Oriental Medicine, the term acupuncture includes both needles and moxibustion. Acupuncture is therefore the application of both needles and moxibustion to promote health and wellbeing.
Moxibustion is the burning of the herb Mugwort, or Artemisia, which is used to regulate the blood. Used together, needling and moxibustion regulate the qi and blood of the body to treat imbalances of the body, mind and spirit.
Moxibustion is warming, nourishing and harmonising for the body-mind. It disperses cold and resolves damp and phlegm. Western studies have shown that it can activate our immune function, enhancing lymphocytes and other natural killer cells.
Stagnation in the body retards the flow of qi and blood, creating pain and discomfort. Cupping can reduce pain and discomfort by moving deep blood stagnation, and is therefore can be useful in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. It can also help treat a number of other conditions including constipation and some respiratory conditions.
Dietary therapy
Food can make an enormous impact on our health and wellbeing. Chinese Medicine dietary therapy focuses on the qualities of the food we eat – thermal properties (warming, cooling, neutral), qi movement and Five Element associations. Eating to nourish and support specific organs in the body can dramatically assist in healing and promoting wellbeing. Once your primary pattern of imbalance has been diagnosed, dietary suggestions can be made, including which foods to include and which foods to avoid. Eating in accordance with each season is also encouraged.