When winter arrives, the kidney meridian can be thrown out of balance. Exposure to cold, overworking – especially at night, excessive fear and standing too long, are some of the main factors that can affect the kidney meridian and the kidney organs. Â Signs and symptoms associated with kidney meridian imbalance include:
- cold feet with a hot head
- dry throat
- Tinnitus (soft sounding)
- puffy feet and/or lower legs
- sore back or knees
- an empty tummy with no appetite
- dark-coloured constipation
- male and female infertility
- low libido and sexual disfunction
- developmental problems in babies and children.
So you might ask how symptoms pertaining to other parts of the body could be associated with the kidney meridian? Â This diagram shows the main pathway of the kidney meridian, which starts under the foot and ends at the root of the tongue.
If you are diagnosed with a kidney meridian pattern of disharmony, there are six main things you need to do to take care of yourself. These tips will also support your general health in winter, by helping to prevent kidney meridian or organ imbalances.
1. Acupuncture. Regular energetic treatments such as acupuncture can be extremely beneficial. Acupuncture can balance the energies and unblock stagnation in the kidney meridian. It can also support and nourish the kidney yin, yang and qi. Moving out of a kidney pattern can take time, so committing to a series of treatments is important.
2. Rest and sleep. One of the most important things you can do yourself is to get enough rest and 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Â Many people think that they should be able to do the same amount of activity all year round. Â The reality is that during winter it is natural – and essential – that we slow down. Â Fighting this natural process can lead to physical and mental imbalances, so surrender!
I frequently see people in the clinic who just do too much. They tend to run on their adrenal energy, which is a false energy. Many people who do too much sometimes feel tired after a treatment because they are shown where their energy levels really are. They are brought back down to earth. Acupuncture can thus provide us with a wonderful grounding opportunity to bring ourselves back to the reality of our lives.
3. Warmth. As the kidney meridian starts in the foot, its important to keep your feet warm. If you have to walk or work on a cold floor, ensure your socks and footwear will keep your fee warm enough. Likewise, as the kidney meridian ends at the root of the tongue, its important to protect your neck from wind and cold. Its also essential to keep the kidney region and lower back warm.
4. Dietary therapy is also important for the health of our kidneys. Black-coloured foods like black beans, black sesame, black rice, black buckwheat, dark-coloured jujubes and black fungus support the kidneys and our yang energies.
5. Massage. If you have to stand for long periods of time for your job, try to take your breaks sitting down. Applying gentle massage strokes in the direction of the flow of qi and blood in the kidney meridian (start at the feet) will help support you through your day.
6. Hydrate. Drink purified/filtered water. Our kidneys are associated with the water element, so making sure you drink the right amount water of high-quality water is very important for the health of our kidneys and of our body-mind overall.
By taking care of ourselves, in accordance with the season of Winter, we can support and nourish our kidneys to fulfil their function, which in Oriental Medicine includes: reproduction and development, healthy libido and sexual health; nourishing the bones, brain and spine; supporting the production of blood and; ensuring the health of our ears and hearing.